Finding Greater Purpose and Meaning in 2021

Finding your greater purpose can make you a happier person

Finding Greater Purpose and Meaning in 2021

Life goes on, whether you’re ready for what’s next or not. The pandemic has caused countless challenges over the past year. Instead of feeling stuck, make the choice to live each day with greater purpose. At Iron Mountain Hot Springs we want you to relax, find peace and be your best self in 2021.

We’ve all felt it, circumstances that are out of our control and there’s likely more of that ahead of us, whether we are living through a pandemic or not. How do you move forward in turbulent times? How do make an impact? How do you take care of yourself? There are no easy answers, everyone’s roadmap to fulfillment looks different, but according to experts there are some concrete steps you can take today to get there.

Reflect & Reset

Iron Mountain Hot Springs is the ideal place to practice mindfulnessTake a look back on some of the lessons you learned over the past year. According to an article in Forbes, some questions to ask yourself include:

  • Are you more resilient? Why?
  • How are you different than you were one year ago?
  • What values or skills helped you navigate your hardest days?

Taking an inventory like this gives you a starting point and helps you assess where you have strengths and what areas need some work. Now for that reset. Dedicate time to creating a vision for your life, a sort of “life compass,” so you don’t run the risk of wandering aimlessly.


If you’re looking to feel more grounded and centered after a year of upheaval, consider taking up the age-old practice of mindfulness. Benefits include improved well-being, physical and emotional health, greater productivity and creativity, as well as less stress. Don’t be worried about getting it just right, meditation is simply taking time for quiet self-observation. Avid practitioners spend upwards of 30 minutes daily in stillness, but newbies can start with just a couple of minutes or even a guided meditation until they get the hang of it. The nice thing about meditation is you can do it anywhere—including while soaking at Iron Mountain Hot Springs. The warm water, spa music and natural setting are extremely conducive to self-reflection.

Get Going

Try a midweek getaway to Iron Mountain Hot SpringsYou can’t get where you’re going without taking action. According to Dan Silvestre a personal development and time management expert, developing a growth mindset is essential for facing inevitable hardships. “A person with a growth mindset views challenges as opportunities … and figuring out how to overcome them.” One of the best things you can do with the extra time at home that the lockdowns afford is to read more, take online classes, watch documentaries and then teach what you just learned to someone else! “Developing a growth-oriented mindset brings progress to both your personal and professional life. Even small gains each day compound over time: a 1% gain per day adds up to almost a 38x increase over a year,” according to Silvestre.

All of these actions are methods you can use to help you find greater purpose and meaning in the upcoming year. The key to success is to get started!

Get inspired to learn more about self care, soaking and Glenwood Springs at Iron Mountain Hot Springs today!

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Karin Gamba

Karin Gamba has been writing professionally for the travel and tourism markets for nearly two decades. She has promoted a wide array of travel products that include destination towns, vacation resorts, golf courses, ski areas, spas, hotels, restaurants and countless visitor attractions. Karin especially loves writing about her hometown of Glenwood Springs.